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 Fact or Fiction: Illegals do the work that Americans won't do?
(answer below)

Since picking up the banner in the battle to secure our borders
from the steady stream of illegals more than two years ago,
Grassfire has heard (as many of you are as well) all the rhetoric
from those who disagree with our position.

Now in an effort to help you bring greater clarity and
understanding to the border crisis when discussing it with friends
and family, we dispel some of the more popular half-truths and
lies being told about the illegal immigration crisis.

++Myth #1--Illegal aliens pay taxes that benefit our economy
Not true. Most illegals are paid in cash and therefore pay no taxes.
Even in instances where they do pay taxes (only possible if they
use a fraudulent social security number or tax ID) they don't pay
enough to cover their expenses.

A visit to any L.A. County maternity ward will give you ample
proof of this. There thousands of women each year have babies
free of charge (and many return to have more).

Additionally, the vast majority learn who to use the system to
acquire food stamps and financial assistance.

++ Myth #2--Illegals come to the U.S. for jobs to support their
families back in their homeland.

This is partly true. However record numbers of those illegally
crossing the borders are women and children! What's more, there
are also record numbers of dead-beat dads who simply abandon
their families.

++ Myth #3--Illegals don't affect politics because they can't vote
Not true. The fact that they are counted in the census gives them
political power. Since representatives in Congress are fixed, it
creates a situation in state's that have a heavy influence of illegals.
Those "illegals" will likely be represented. As such, it takes away
representation from people in other states--people who are here

++ Myth #4--Illegals do the work that Americans won't do

Not true. Americans will do the work provided they are paid a
reasonable wage. But profit-greedy employers and corporations
are increasingly favoring cheap labor. Their profits soar, but at the
expense of American taxpayers who have to subsidize the labor
costs by supplying the illegal workforce (and their families) with
welfare, education, medical, housing assistance. Employers of
these people simply turn a deaf ear.

++ Myth #5--Illegal Immigration doesn't really affect me

Not true. As we have reported in the past, in non-border states like
Connecticut, North Carolina, Georgia and New Jersey, illegal
immigration is rampant. That means in each of these states,
benefits allocated to citizens are being taxed and stressed by
illegal infiltration. If the problem becomes severe enough (as in
California and Arizona) those services dry up. In both L.A., and
Tucson, AZ hospitals have been forced to close due to the
incredible strain of illegals.


    As a teacher, I sat  dumbfounded last May 16, 2005, when the Rocky Mountain News inked a  story, "What Happened?" to a stunned Denver, Colorado audience. In a  five year study starting in 1999 in Denver Public Schools,
5,663  students started the eighth grade. Five years later, only
1,884 graduated  from high school. That's a 65 percent drop out/flunk out rate! That's  pathetic, if not frightening.

    What was the  cause? First of all, 30,000 illegal aliens, speaking 40 different  languages, attended
Denver schools. Our classrooms suffered thousands of kids functionally illiterate in English with parents functionally illiterate in English and Spanish. The classrooms featured so much incompatible diversity that it created horrific tension, stabbings  and death.

Thus, American kids suffered a profoundly dumbed-down educational process.  One in five teachers quit or transferred out of those 
Denver classrooms every nine month cycle during those five  years.

    Last week, the Denver Post  announced that 30 percent of teachers in
Denver schools were  not coming back next year. This is a nationwide travesty. Why? As a  teacher, I taught in the inner city in the 1970s. It's exasperating beyond  understanding to walk into a classroom where children suffer learning  disabilities, broken homes, teen pregnancies at 14, 15, 16, multiple  languages and violent confrontations with other ethnic groups.
It's  impossible to teach. I left my idealism in the ghetto and escaped to a  suburban school. But, today, teachers can't escape because over 1.5 million illegal alien students with more than 100 languages attend our kids' schools nationwide. We witness a national breakdown in education.
Last week, Superintendent Roy Romer of
Los Angeles public schools resigned in  frustration and defeat. California schools match the violence of  a war zone.

    Can you imagine such a failure  rate across the country? Can you imagine the consequences of an illiterate  generation leading this Republic into the 21st century? Folks, this  country won't make it. Where is the outrage?

    It  takes four aspects for a free and democratic society to maintain itself.  It requires a highly educated population that can write, read, think and  vote intelligently. It takes a similar moral code whereby everyone adheres  to the common good. It requires a similar code of ethics whereby citizens  adhere to honesty, doing what is right and maintaining those ethics  throughout the social fabric. Finally, it takes a similar language that  allows citizens to discuss, debate and resolve problems. We compromise all  four with an invasion exceeding four million new people into
USA annually?20 million  illegals to date and climbing. We allow the disintegration of our nation  without a whimper. Where is the outrage?

   Last  Monday,
February 20, 2006, the Rocky Mountain News reported, "Mile-High Drug Hub" making Denver the leading center for drug  distribution in the United States. It's part of MS-13 Gang's dispersal of  $128 billion in drugs crossing our border with Mexico  every year. Ironically, Congress guards South Korea's border with 37,000  troops with our billions in tax dollars, pats down gray-haired ladies at  our airports, spends $80 billion annually on the war on drugs, but leaves  our border unguarded allowing that $128 billion in drugs to cross year  after year. Additionally, terrorists from any country can walk over the  Mexican border with a 99 percent chance
of succeeding. Where is the  outrage?

    With a growing illegal alien  population exceeding 300,000 in
Colorado, the state House legislators  on Wednesday of last week defeated six bills to stop illegal alien  migration. One particular bill, HB 1134, would have given cops the ability  to arrest, detain and deport illegals. It was soundly defeated after  dozens of citizens, including this Coloradan, testified to support the  bill's passage.

    I demanded, "We are tired  of being collateral damage for illegal
aliens. We're tired of being raped,  killed, robbed and our schools being rashed by multiple languages while  our m edical systems take better care of illegals than our own  citizens."

    Representative Francesca  Natividad Coleman remarked that it was a Federal issue. I retorted,  "We're the ones getting killed and raped here locally and we're tired of  it." Last year, three Coloradans were killed by illegals;
Greeley, Colorado  suffered 270 hit and run car accidents alone; eight rapes by illegal  aliens in Boulder and thousands of robberies. Where is the outrage?

    To top off the crisis in  our
Denver schools, the Rocky Mountain News reported the next day,  February 21, 2006, "Welfare Surges 45%" with an increase of 4,743 cases.  They said it was tough job hunting, but neglected to mention that 300,000  illegal aliens in Colorado stole jobs from Coloradans in  every sector: drywall, construction, landscaping, fast food, house  painting, janitorial, paving and dozens of other jobs formerly worked by Coloradans. Where is the outrage?

    Denver  Mayor Hickenlooper hired illegal aliens long before he was mayor and one  of his illegal employees, Raul Gomez-Garcia, killed
Denver police officer  Don Young last May. Hickenlooper stood in direct violation of federal laws  and could have been fined $2, 000.00 per illegal alien hired (estimated at  70 working in his restaurants) and he could have gone to prison for five  years. Governor Owens actually endorsed a booklet showing
illegal aliens  how to imbed themselves in
Colorado. He aided and abetted illegal  aliens, but didn't receive a slap on the wrist. Where is the outrage?

    Since it's happening in my state  with 300,000 illegal aliens, can you imagine what is happening in 
California with three million? Or,  North Carolina with one million? How about Illinois with one  million illegals?  How about Texas with 1.5 million? I know Texans  pay over $4.1 billion annually for educating their massive load of student  illegals Where is the outrage?

    We're  being colonized with over nine million illegal alien Mexicans crashing  our schools, medical systems, language, culture, parks, tax and welfare systems. One look at the headlines of major newspapers across  the country echoes and mirrors the Rocky Mountain News. Where is the  outrage?

    It stupefies me beyond  comprehension that Americans sit back and watch this invasion of their  country without any outrage. Worse, without any response! More than  that--without a concern for their own kids' future!  Even more horrific,  the line of immigrants from
Mexico (and the world) shows no  sign of stopping, as the number of Mexicans grows from their current 106  million to 200 million in this century.

    As  I open this can of worms weekly; as I expose this accelerating
national  crisis weekly; as you experience its quickening day by day?  I would think  the outrage would reach fantastic levels. But it is not! In fact, Bush,  Congress and governors of all 50 states not only watch it happen they actively aid and abet it Arlan Specter of Pennsylvania wants to add another one to  two million legal immigrants annually. Senators John McCain and Ted  Kennedy want to give amnesty to 20 million illegals and add more in
a  guest worker program.
Utah's Chris Cannon welcomes millions of  Mexicans as he encourages their takeover of our country. His sidekick Senator Orrin Hatch mirrors that sentiment. Representative Joe Baca of  California actively promotes the takeover of California by Mexico as  he endorses "Reconquista of Aztlan." As Mark Twain said, "Suppose you were  an idiot; and suppose you were a member of Congress; but then, I repeat  myself."  Twain got it right, but where is the  outrage?

    While 85 to 95 percent of the  American public wants our borders secured, they stand around quietly  sucking their thumbs while doing nothing. However, the outrage and  arrogance of millions of illegal alien migrants in
America advances like Paris, France's recent experience with
immigration? 10,000 fire bombed cars and a month-long conflagration! We watched stupidly as if it won't happen to us. Think again!



Congress NOT Building Border Fence! Misleading Americans About Funding, Plans

6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112

Lawmakers Pass Separate Bill to Kill Border Fence Construction Funding Sent Elsewhere!

They do not think you will notice or care about their trickery!!!

Excerpt from Washington Post Friday, October 6, 2006
“No sooner did Congress authorize construction of a 700-mile fence on the U.S.-Mexico border last week than lawmakers rushed to approve separate legislation that ensures it will never be built, at least not as advertised, according to Republican lawmakers and immigration experts.”

GOP leaders have singled out the border fence as one of their premier “tough on illegal immigration” accomplishments of the recently completed Congressional session. Many lawmakers plan to highlight their $1.2 billion “down payment” on border fence construction as they campaign in the weeks before the midterm elections.

But it seems it is all smoke and mirrors to “fool the voters”!

The Minutemen aren’t fooled, and we need your help!

Donate to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Shortly before recessing late last Friday, the House and Senate gave the Bush administration broad leeway to distribute the money to a whole host of other projects – not just the physical barrier along the southern border.

"It's one thing to authorize. It's another thing to actually appropriate the money and do it," said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.).

The fine-print distinction between what Congress says it will do and what it actually pays for is a time-honored political maneuver to pull the wool over the voters’ eyes, and make them think problems are being solved that are NOT…

In this case, it also reflects political calculations by GOP strategists that voters do not mind the details, and that key players – including the administration, local leaders and the Mexican government – oppose a fence-first approach, analysts said.

The Senate Plan is clear…
1. Before the election, pass a last-minute smoke screen and head home to campaign, telling the voters Congress has secured the border…

2. Obey the Mexican President after the election – offer a blanket amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants for U.S. citizenship, and let illegal aliens, gangsters and terrorists have free access to American territory across our still-open borders!

Your continued help and support is needed TODAY to BUILD THE FENCE AMERICA NEEDS to PROTECT OUR NATION! We can only build as much you HELP FUND!

Donate to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Mexican President Fox Opposes all Fencing
The President of Mexico Vincente Fox has railed against any fencing, calling it "shameful" and falsely comparing it to the Berlin Wall that the Communists built to imprison their subjected population.

A spokesman for President Vicente Fox predicted on Wednesday that the United States will probably never build 700 miles of new fencing along the border that divides the two nations. The Mexican government sent a diplomatic note to Washington criticizing last week's U.S. Senate vote to authorize the new fencing. President-elect Felipe Calderon, who replaces Fox on Dec. 1, has also criticized the fence plans.

Minutemen Stand Up to Mexico and Build Security Fencing
Over the objections of Vincente Fox and the Mexican government, the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is leading the way to build border security fencing. The fencing is being installed to demonstrate how it is an integral part of a total security plan that includes vehicle barriers, fiber optic sensors, cameras, anti-climb barriers and increased ground patrols to give the U.S. Border Patrol more operational command of our frontier.

Donate to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Fences Do Work!
Fences in San Diego California have dramatically reduced trafficking – illegal alien apprehensions dropped from 202,000 in 1992 to less than 9,000 in 2004.

Fence post steel delivered near Bisbee, AZ at the Hodges Ranch 9/28/2006.

In Arizona, the Volunteers of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps are already building security fences and vehicle barriers on private land using private donations, which have vastly diminished illegal intruders in our sectors. A multi-level design which includes anti-climb fencing, fiber-optic fencing, vehicle barriers and camera systems to observe and report will allow thousands of Minutemen to monitor the border day and night, 365 days a year.

Give what you can TODAY!

A new one mile segment of fourteen foot high, anti-climb Israeli style double fence barrier, with cameras and ground sensors is being installed at our current project at the Hodges Ranch. The Minuteman Border Fence will help local Arizona ranchers and landowners to make actual progress in the imperative task to secure the U.S. border and stop illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists from violating sovereign American territory.

Your continued help and support is needed TODAY! We can only build as much you help fund!

Donate to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Select for more information.

Be sure to send this to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP illegal aliens at the border NOW! We invite and welcome your assistance. Thank you!

Donate now and join those who have already added their name with an individualized metal name plaque to the Minuteman Border Fence.

Go to and join with us to build the fence – a real fence, not a political smoke screen – TODAY.

Sincerely for America,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

Donate to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.
6501 Greenway Parkway
Suite 103-640
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(520) 829-3112




Week Of 9/11/2006

Well folks, all the rain that's been falling in southeast Texas
has to
> end up going somewhere. Guess where? That's right...the Rio
> The river has been so high, and so fast in the last few days, that
> Operation Sovereignty has been severely hampered, in that the
> just AREN'T CROSSING RIGHT NOW! Yep, I took a 100 mile long, dirt
> (mud) road trip yesterday along the river from Laredo north all the
> way to Eagle Pass(a town) north of a much smaller town known as
>, not the one in the desert in California...By the time I
> reached Eagle Pass it was about 12:30, and I was starving, so
> to have a little fast food break, right? Well the Church's Fried
> Chicken in Eagle Pass had NOT ONE employee who spoke ANY ENGLISH!!
> I'm not lying or exaggerasting one bit folks... not a word. I
> made myself understood (2 pcs. of POLLO BLANCO) a couple of
> a coleslaw, and a SODA MEDIA (Medium coke). I could tell that the
> Mexican girl taking my order was embarrassed at not knowing a word
> English. The male manager also appeared to be a little flustered,
> tried to appear busy doing something else.
> On my drive "upriver" I forded many ponds (some up to two feet
> crossed many mini bridges, and encountered three B.P.'s in my 100
> journey, one of whom was broken down, due to his vehicle's breaking
> its SECOND hood spring. People Bush is sending these agents out
> dangerous country with broken down vehicles to patrol our Borders!
> This is a disgrace. I saw no fresh tracks during my progress, and
> this only served to confirm the facts as relayed to me by all three
> agents: Namely, the river is just too high and dangerous for the
> illegals to attempt a crossing right now. It seems the rain is
> what George Bush, the Border Patrol, and the Texas MM have not been
> able to do up 'till now; stop the illegals!
> As I drove north, I observed both oil and gas wells in production
> some Colorado Mining Company had an operation going with big
> draglines. To the west side of the road (river side) there was a
> short barbed wire fence, but on the right hand side there was a
nice 8
> ft. high fence, well maintained, with well made steel ladders
going up
> and over it at very regular intervals, sometimes every 50 yards or
> I took this to mean that this would have been a good area to watch
> for illegals, as the ranchers surely wouldn't be building ladders
> their fences unless the number of illegals crossing there would
> warrant such an investment. I was truly amazed at this state of
> affairs as I continued north. I saw a 6 ft. long blue racer snake,
> two desert tortuses, and four or five road runners, along the way.
> The brush in the lower areas appeared to be about 12-15 ft. high,
> thinning out in the drier high areas of the road to Az.-Ca. brush
> heights of 3-8 ft. high. The way the Border Patrol identifies your
> location out here along the road is by... gate numbers! A gate is
> assigned a large number on a red metal placard, which is attached
> the gate on the property. From then on, your property is known
> as"Gate 19," or whatever the number actually is.
> The wet areas were very difficult to get through, but I made it,
in no
> small part to my front wheel drive rental car, which I covered so
> deeply with mud, I am ashamed to bring it in like this! Oh well, I
> guess Alamo has a carwash...might have to run it through twice!
> Most of the staff, and over half of the guests at the Motel Six I
> staying at appear to be illegal aliens! That's right. A few
> and plenty of illegal aliens abound here. Most of the smugglers,
> coyotes arrive about six A.M. to transport them to where
> all look and act real guilty, and I overhear enough Spanish to know
> what they are up to. Believe me when I tell you that Laredo is a
> "wide open town!"
> This morning I was in a hurry, so I decided to eat at the Mc
> down the street a couple of blocks away. An all hispanic crew,
but at
> least some of them spoke English! The decorations were already up
> the great big celebration of MEXICAN Independence Day! They had
> MEXICAN paper flags pasted in EVERY window in the restaurant. They
> had tin foil type CHILIS hanging down from the ceilings throughout
> restaurant. They were about half green and half red! I guess the
> chilis have more meaning to Mexicans than I ever realized before.
> Believe me people, the Mexicans, both legal and illegal,have really
> taken over Laredo...
> Shannon was working on answering emails as I left him in his motel
> room about a hundred miles north of Laredo, at his undisclosed
> Hoping for better weather,(it's supposed to T-storm this afternoon)
> J J
> Campo MM,
> Fording ponds on the Texas Border




 Bring our entire troops home from Iraq to guard the border. When
they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand him a
canteen, a rifle, and some ammo, and ship him to Iraq. Tell him if he
wants to come to America he must serve a tour in the military. Give
him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it. After his
tour in Iraq, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended
this country. He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a
solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a better
life for themselves. If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway
without the canteen, rifle, or ammo.

Problem solved.


For the month of August 2006 alone, FIRE Coalition's Events Page ( currently lists 68 events (including 11 ongoing weekly or monthly events), in 26 states and Washington D.C. With new submissions arriving weekly, we expect our interactive events calendar to grow even larger.

Please visit FIRE's nationwide events calendar for upcoming events this month in: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Washington State. We hope you will bookmark the calendar and return to it periodically for ongoing updates and new events listings.

Our events calendar is a community calendar, open to all whom fight with us. We view this as yours as much as it is ours, and welcome your direct submissions of event details at We only reserve the right not to list events with objectionable content or lacking sufficient detail to be helpful.

Your friends at FIRE Coalition and

Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Coalition
Visit FIRE Coalition at
Report employer violations of immigration laws at





 Bring our entire troops home from Iraq to guard the border. When
they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand him a
canteen, a rifle, and some ammo, and ship him to Iraq. Tell him if he
wants to come to America he must serve a tour in the military. Give
him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it. After his
tour in Iraq, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended
this country. He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a
solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a better
life for themselves. If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway
without the canteen, rifle, or ammo.

Problem solved.


For the month of August 2006 alone, FIRE Coalition's Events Page ( currently lists 68 events (including 11 ongoing weekly or monthly events), in 26 states and Washington D.C. With new submissions arriving weekly, we expect our interactive events calendar to grow even larger.

Please visit FIRE's nationwide events calendar for upcoming events this month in: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Washington State. We hope you will bookmark the calendar and return to it periodically for ongoing updates and new events listings.

Our events calendar is a community calendar, open to all whom fight with us. We view this as yours as much as it is ours, and welcome your direct submissions of event details at We only reserve the right not to list events with objectionable content or lacking sufficient detail to be helpful.

Your friends at FIRE Coalition and

Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Coalition
Visit FIRE Coalition at
Report employer violations of immigration laws at





 For the month of August 2006 alone, FIRE Coalition's Events Page ( currently lists 68 events (including 11 ongoing weekly or monthly events), in 26 states and Washington D.C. With new submissions arriving weekly, we expect our interactive events calendar to grow even larger.

Please visit FIRE's nationwide events calendar for upcoming events this month in: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Washington State. We hope you will bookmark the calendar and return to it periodically for ongoing updates and new events listings.

Our events calendar is a community calendar, open to all whom fight with us. We view this as yours as much as it is ours, and welcome your direct submissions of event details at We only reserve the right not to list events with objectionable content or lacking sufficient detail to be helpful.

Your friends at FIRE Coalition and

Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Coalition
Visit FIRE Coalition at
Report employer violations of immigration laws at


For August, 68 events to fight illegal immigration in 26 states and

  For the month of August 2006 alone, FIRE Coalition's Events Page ( currently lists 68 events (including 11 ongoing weekly or monthly events), in 26 states and Washington D.C. With new submissions arriving weekly, we expect our interactive events calendar to grow even larger.

Please visit FIRE's nationwide events calendar for upcoming events this month in: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Washington State. We hope you will bookmark the calendar and return to it periodically for ongoing updates and new events listings.

Our events calendar is a community calendar, open to all whom fight with us. We view this as yours as much as it is ours, and welcome your direct submissions of event details at We only reserve the right not to list events with objectionable content or lacking sufficient detail to be helpful.

Your friends at FIRE Coalition and

Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Coalition
Visit FIRE Coalition at
Report employer violations of immigration laws at


For August, 68 events to fight illegal immigration in 26 states and

  For the month of August 2006 alone, FIRE Coalition's Events Page ( currently lists 68 events (including 11 ongoing weekly or monthly events), in 26 states and Washington D.C. With new submissions arriving weekly, we expect our interactive events calendar to grow even larger.

Please visit FIRE's nationwide events calendar for upcoming events this month in: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Washington State. We hope you will bookmark the calendar and return to it periodically for ongoing updates and new events listings.

Our events calendar is a community calendar, open to all whom fight with us. We view this as yours as much as it is ours, and welcome your direct submissions of event details at We only reserve the right not to list events with objectionable content or lacking sufficient detail to be helpful.

Your friends at FIRE Coalition and

Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Coalition
Visit FIRE Coalition at
Report employer violations of immigration laws at



If this doesn't get your bowels in an uproar, you ain't got any ... !!

Didn't I read recently that some spokesperson for a Spanish speaking
organization predicted "we'll take over the United States"? It's easy to understand
how if you read and understand the following statements. Remember, the
numbers listed below are for ONLY one year 2005!

If you are a rational human being, you just have to ask yourself WHY we are
putting up with this shit! . Can the answer be near the bottom highlighted in
red for you? Could some of these trillions be "buying" the votes of our
Senators? Remember, this amount is only for the year 2005. Even if you cut these
stats in half, the case is a

62% of all "undocumented immigrants" in the United States are working for
cash and not paying taxes, predominantly illegal aliens, working without a green
95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens;
83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens;
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens;
75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and
Albuquerque are illegal aliens;

More than 380,000 "anchor babies" were born in the United States in 2005 were
to parents who are illegal aliens; making those 380,000 babies automatically
U.S. citizens. 97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the
American taxpayer;
More than 66% of all births in California are to illegal alien Mexicans on
Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers;

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals
here illegally;
40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here
48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals
here illegally;
29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal
prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually;

More than 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages;
More than 53% of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New
Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens;
More than half of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from
south of the border;

More than 43% of all Food Stamps issued are to illegal aliens;
More than 41% of all unemployment checks issued in the United States are to
illegal aliens;
58% of all Welfare payments in the United States are issued to illegal aliens;
Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties in the United States are
illegal aliens;
Less than 2% of illegal aliens in the United States are picking crops , but
41% are on welfare;
Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of
California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration;

14 out of 31 TV stations in L.A. are Spanish-only;
16 out of 28 TV stations in Phoenix are Spanish-only;
15 out of 24 TV stations in Albuquerque are Spanish-only;
21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish-only;
17 radio stations in Phoenix are Spanish-only;
17 radio stations in Albuquerque are Spanish-only;

More than 34% of Arizona students in grades 1-12 are illegal aliens;
More than 24% of Arizona students in grades 1-12 are non-English-speaking;
More than 39% of California students in grades 1-12 are illegal aliens;
More than 42% of California students in grades 1-12 are non-English-speaking;
In Los Angeles County, 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak

More than 71% of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico,
Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by illegal aliens or transport
47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and
no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens;
63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no
registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens;
66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and
no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66%, 98% are illegal aliens;



The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after
subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle,
Rice University]; The estimated profit to U.S. corporations and businesses
employing illegal aliens in 2005 was more than $2.36 TRILLION dollars;

The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average
adult Mexican illegal alien is $55,000.00 cost to the American taxpayer in a
5-year span.

You, personally, are giving $11,000 every year to illegal aliens.



VOTE this coming November .... and VOTE against ALL sitting Incumbent members
of the most perverted Congress in the history of our nation. No sitting
member of the 109th Congress is worthy of redemption; all have commited TREASON
against the nation, against her people, and against the US Constitution!

The answer is NOT re-election, the answer is JAIL for all Congress-critters.



 There is a huge amount of propaganda and myths circulating about illegal aliens, particularly illegal Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan and Honduran aliens.

1. Illegal aliens generally do NOT want U.S. citizenship. Americans are very vain thinking that everybody in the world wants to be a U.S. citizen. Mexicans, and other nationalities want to remain citizens of their home countries while obtaining the benefits offered by the United States such as employment, medical care, in-state tuition, government subsidized housing and free education for their offspring. Their main attraction is employment and their loyalty usually remains at home. They want benefits earned and subsidized by middle class Americans. What illegal aliens want are benefits of American residence without paying the price.

2. There are no jobs that Americans won't do. Illegal aliens are doing jobs that Americans can't take and still support their families. Illegal aliens take low wage jobs, live dozens in a single residence home, share expenses and send money to their home country. There are no jobs that Americans won't do for a decent wage.

3. Every person who illegally entered this nation left a home. They are NOT homeless and they are NOT Americans. Some left jobs in their home countries. They come to send money to their real home as evidenced by the more than 20 billion dollars sent out of the country each year by illegal aliens. These illegal aliens knowingly and willfully entered this nation in violation of the law and therefore assumed the risk of detection and deportation. Those who brought their alien children assumed the responsibility and risk on behalf of their children.

4. Illegal aliens are NOT critical to the economy. Illegal aliens constitute less than 5% of the workforce. However, they reduce wages and benefits for lawful U.S. residents.

5. This is NOT an immigrant nation. There are 280 million native born Americans. While it is true that this nation was settled and founded by immigrants (legal immigrants), it is also true that there is not a nation on this planet that was not settled by immigrants at one time or another.

6. The United States is welcoming to legal immigrants. Illegal aliens are not immigrants by definition. The U.S. accepts more lawful immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined.

7. There is no such thing as the "Hispanic vote". Hispanics are white, brown, black and every shade in between. Hispanics are Repu blicans, Democrats, Anarchists, Communists, Marxists and Independents. The so-called "Hispanic vote" is a myth. Pandering to illegal aliens to get the Hispanic vote is a dead end.

8. Mexico is NOT a friend of the United States. Since 1848 Mexicans have resented the United States. During World War I Mexico allowed German Spies to operate freely in Mexico to spy on the U.S. During World War II Mexico allowed the Axis powers to spy on the U.S. from Mexico. During the Cold War Mexico allowed spies hostile to the U.S. to operate freely. The attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 was cheered and applauded all across Mexico. Today Mexican school children are taught that the U.S. stole California, Arizona, new Mexico and Texas. If you don't believe it, check out some Mexican textbooks written for their schoolchildren.

9. Although some illegal aliens enter this country for a better life, there are 6 billion people on this planet. At least 1 billion of those live on less than one dollar a day. If wanting a better life is a valid excuse to break the law and sneak into America, then let's allow those one billion to come to America and we'll turn the USA into a Third World nation overnight. Besides, there are 280 million native born Americans who want a better life. I'll bet Bill Gates and Donald Trump want a better life. When will the USA lifeboat be full? Since when is wanting a better life a good reason to trash another nation?

10. There is a labor shortage in this country. This is a lie. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American housewives, senior citizens, students, unemployed and underemployed who would gladly take jobs at a decent wage.

11. It is racist to want secure borders. What is racist about wanting secure borders and a secure America? What is racist about not wanting people to sneak into America and steal benefits we have set aside for legal aliens, senior citizens, children and other legal residents? What is it about race that entitles people to violate our laws, steal identities, and take the American Dream without paying the price?

For about four decades American politicians have refused to secure our borders and look after the welfare of middle class Americans. These politicians have been of both parties. A huge debt to American society has resulted. This debt will be satisfied and the interest will be high. There has already been riots in the streets by illegal aliens and their supporters. There will be more. You, as a politician, have a choice to offend the illegal aliens who have stolen into this country and demanded the rights afforded to U.S. citizens or to offend those of us who are stakeholders in this country. The interest will be steep either way. There will be civil unrest. There will be a reckoning. Do you have the courage to do what is right for America? Or, will you bow to the wants and needs of those who don't even have the right to remain here?

There will be a reckoning. It will come in November of this year, again in 2008 and yet again in 2010.

We will not allow America to be stolen by third world agitators and thieves.

David J. Stoddard
U.S. Border Patrol (RET)
Hereford, Arizona


For Sale
U.S. Citizenship

To purchase contact any Senator. The only requirement to buy is you
must have entered the country illegally.

The politicians in the Senate want to cover up the fact that they are
creating another amnesty so they have added a token fine of $2000 as
part of the amnesty. Here is why that amount is meaningless.

Illegal immigrants pay smugglers huge sums of money to enter the
United States often times $60,000 or more. This "fine" is nothing
compared to what people will pay to enter the country.

Illegal immigrants have to pay for fake documents to work in the
country. They pay hundreds of dollars to purchase these documents
from corrupt bureaucrats. Over a couple of decades this will add up
to more then $2000. So when corrupt politicians add a token fee onto
their amnesty program they are simply charging them something they
would have to pay anyway.

Finally the illegal immigrants are given access to resources worth far
more then a paltry $2000. They will have access to Welfare, Social
Security, and Affirmative Action Jobs. All of which has a far larger
dollar value then the token "fine" the Senators are suggesting.


The following rules shall be obeyed by ALL LEGAL AMERICANS, no matter what the cost....

All LEGAL AMERICANS shall pay their taxes, so that the following may

All ILLEGAL ALIENS shall consider AMERICAN tax dollars as their own
personal rainy day funds, so as not to discomfort them on their stay
here as hard working people with families to support, regardless of
the needs of AMERICANS paying into said fund...same monies also to be
used for any and all government and social services they may need in
the future....any American speaking up about this, shall be
comprehensively ignored....
AMERICAN SCHOOLCHILDREN shall get an education as warranted
according to school taxes paid in by AMERICANS, regardless of non-
payment of taxes by ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Should the education quality go
DOWN because of stress placed on said school budgets BY ILLEGAL
ALIENS, it is the LEGAL AMERICANS obligation to pick up the further
cost of educating said ILLEGALS regardless of the quality of
education their own children shall receive....
ILLEGAL ALIENS working here more than 5 years without paying ANY
taxes or SS monies, shall still be eligible for SS benefits when they
reach retirement is up to LEGAL AMERICANS to make sure this
fund is kept up to it's full potential, so no hard working ILLEGAL
ALIEN shall find any difficulties when they apply for said social
ILLEGAL ALIENS shall receive in-state tuition rates posthaste
even AS LEGAL AMERICAN VETS who were promised school monies upon
entering our ARMED FORCES need show patience in the red tape a
paperwork regarding their situations....
ILLEGAL ALIENS shall be promptly checked before all others upon
entering any hospital emergency room for medical attention,
regardless of the nature of the situation...those with insurance will
need step aside, as their paperwork may interfere with ILLEGAL ALIENS
being swiftly and properly attended to....
ILLEGAL ALIENS may come into our country with as many weapons and
drugs as they see fit to propagate their travel here....using
earnings from their ventures to purchase their drivers licenses,
automobiles, auto insurance, SS cards, work permits, green cards,
visas and any other document they may need to make their assimilation
that much else would they join together with their
brethren already here and walk the streets without fear of
Constituional Laws??
ILLEGAL ALIENS have the right to live where they
habitating with as many people in a single family apartment or home
as they see fit....full rights to harrass, terrorize and intimidate
who they choose, when they choose....
ILLEGAL ALIENS shall have the right to filter into our legal
workforce regardless of consequences to LEGAL AMERICANS....whether it
be OSHA violations, undercutting wages, non-payment of taxes,
fraudulent ID's, complete takeover of an industry and it's
surrounding community....
ILLEGAL ALIENS shall have the right to infringe on ANY AMERICAN
RIGHT to peaceful assembly and turn it into their own bullying rally
demanding rights The Constitution claims they do not have.....
ILLEGAL ALIENS have the right to rape, murder, steal, assault,
drive drunk, urinate in public, intimidate...etc....( as long as it
doesn't affect any leaders families or neighborhoods, it's perfectly
within their rights)...with the added comfort of knowing they can
return to their place of origin should the subject of prosecution
come to light...(not knowing who they are and where they're from,
helps these poor hard-working individuals continue their family
values existence)
Peace Officers involved in the apprehension and detention of
suspected ILLEGAL ALIEN criminals shall first find the easiest way to
resolve the situation with the minimal amount of effort, time and
money( God knows we don't wanna spend TOO much rainy day fund money
on ILLEGAL ALIEN crime) tape, paperwork, court
appearance, phone calls to ICE, swung blackjack, wasted bullets, ride
to jailhouse...etc...all should be worst case scenario last
resorts....a slap on the wrist and immediate release shall be best,
so as not to insult or stress out said criminal....
All ILLEGAL ALIENS shall have priveleges to learn aviation
skills....and armed and unarmed confrontation skills....

There are many more amendments and clauses still to be made on
this subject, and we shall deal with them as they come along, unless
it is easier to just pass them which no law shall need be
I hope ALL AMERICANS will conform to these standards with the
fullest regard for the safety and well-being of ILLEGAL ALIENS.....

One last thing....thank you for allowing us to serve you.....your
tax dollars help so many, in so many ways, we know you don't mind
suffering a bit so others may end THEIR's much
appreciated, for example, that college education loans are all but a
thing of the past for your children....and perhaps 15% or more of the
kids in your school district have parents who pay no taxes and your
childs music program gets cut to help shoulder the's quite
honorable of you to pay that outlandish property tax that's been
raised 6 times in 10 years to facilitate the education of those
ILLEGAL ALIENS who are most deserving....
The billions of dollars we send to needy countries could never be
spent better here for your own wants and needs...we see that, and act
Needy being such as one country gets 2 billion dollars, just
because they are our friend....we help arm other countries that they
may use such arms against whoever they please, one day....we go to
countries and decide who may have WMD and who may not....




43  percent  of persons  polled in the U.S.  said that immigration is a serious problem.
The  other 57  percent  said, "No hablo inglis"
Cheap labor

Please stop confusing the issue with the facts.

The phrase "cheap labor" is a myth, a farce, and a lie. There is no such
thing as "cheap labor."

Take, for example, an illegal Mexican who sneaks in here with his wife
and five children. He takes a job for five or six dollars an hour. At
that wage with six dependents he pays no income tax, yet at the end of
the year gets an "earned income credit" of up to $3,200 free!!!.

He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent, food stamps, and
free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care.

His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school, and require
bi-lingual teachers and books that taxpayers provide.

He doesn't have to worry about car insurance, life insurance, or
homeowners insurance.

Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins, and printed
material. He cannot be fired, harassed, or sued. He and his family
receive the equivalent of $20 to $30 an hour in benefits, while working
Americans are lucky to have $5 or $6 an hour left after paying their
bills and his, and paying for increased crime, graffiti, and trash

Cheap labor? Yeah, right!"












































This is from a retired former teacher of a friend whose wife is a
teacher in the Riverside area and has been for many, many years. The
attached is first hand knowledge...As you all listen to the news about
the student protests over illegal immigration there are some things that
you should be aware of.

   As some of you may know the authors wife is in charge of the
English-as-a-second-language department at large southern California
high school, which is designated a Title 1 school, meaning that its
student's average in the lower socio-economic income levels. Most of the
schools you are hearing about-South Gate High, Bell Gardens, Huntington
Park, etc.-where these students are protesting, are also Title 1

   His wife tells him that 100% of the students in her school and
other Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast, free lunch program.
When I say free breakfast I'm not talking a glass of milk and roll...
but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and juices that would
make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental, with trays
and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten.

     She estimates that well over 50% of these students are obese or at
least moderately overweight. About 75% or more DO HAVE cell phones.

   The school also provides day care centers for the unwed teenage
pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without
the inconvenience of having to arrange for baby-sitters or having family
watch their kids.

   She was ordered to spend $700,000 on her department or risk
losing funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need
for anything; her budget was already substantial. She ended up buying
new computers for their computer learning center; half of which, one
month later, have been carved with graffiti by the appreciative students who
obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in America.

   She has had to intervene several times for young and substitute
teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students here
in the country less then 3 months who raised so much hell with the
female teachers, calling them "Putas"-whores-and throwing things that
the teachers were in tears.

     Free medical, free education, free food, day care etc., etc., etc.
Is it any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country but
to demand rights, privileges, and entitlements?

     To my conservative friends: I hope you're really proud of how
George W. Bush has helped to sell-out this country with his pro-illegal alien
policy. I voted for him too, but on this issue he is a disaster.

   To my bleeding-heart liberal friends who want to point out how
much these illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they
LIKE their gardener and housekeeper and they like to pay less for

     Spend some time in the real world of illegal immigration and see
the TRUE costs. Higher insurance, Medical facilities closing, higher
medical costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools,
overcrowding, new diseases etc., etc., etc. As for me, I'll pay more for

   We need to wake up. The guest worker program will be a disaster
because we won't have the guts to enforce it. Does anyone in their right
mind really think they will leave and return voluntarily?
There are many hardworking Hispanic/American citizens that
contribute to our country and many that I consider my true friends. We
should encourage and accept those Hispanics who have done it the right
and legal way.

   It does, however, have everything to do with culture: A third-
world culture that does not value education, that accepts children
getting pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that refuses to
assimilate... and an American culture that has become so weak and
politically correct that we don't have the will to do anything about

If this makes your blood boil, as it did mine, forward this to
everyone you know.
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L. A. County
has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes.
This is because they are predominantly illegal Aliens, working
without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are
for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los
Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County
are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births
were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California
detention centers are Mexican
nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles
County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los
Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties
are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak
English. 3.9 million speak
Spanish (10.2 million people in L. A. County).
More Stats:
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our
crops but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States annual population
growth (and over 90% of
California, Florida, and New York) results from
The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in
1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay)
$70 BILLION. This goes up every year. [Professor Donald
Huddle, Rice University].
The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus
services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant
is a NEGATIVE ( Add to this the cost to the country of the babies,children and teens.)
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
How far would a foreigner, in Mexico illegally, (or legally, for that matter,) get marching through the streets with a foreign flag and raising general hell?

Hard to understand how we can continue to let this continue!



This letter sent to Senator Frist from a retired border patrol agent has
more common sense than all the bull being spewed from the Senate, with
the exception of a few sensible representatives. Anyway, this guy has it
together and shows the rhetoric for what it is. Dear Senator Frist:
There is a huge amount of propaganda and myths circulating about
"Illegal Aliens", particularly "Illegal Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan
and Honduran Aliens".
1. "Illegal Aliens" generally do NOT want U.S. citizenship. Americans
are very vain thinking that everybody in the world wants to be a U.S.
citizen. Mexicans, and other nationalities want to remain citizens of
their home countries while obtaining the benefits offered by the United
States such as employment, medical care, in-state tuition, government
subsidized housing and free education for their offspring. Their main
attraction is employment and their loyalty usually remains at home. They
want benefits earned and subsidized by middle class Americans. What
"Illegal Aliens" want are benefits of American residence without paying
the price.
2. There are no jobs that Americans won't do. "Illegal Aliens" are doing
jobs that Americans can't take and still support their families.
"Illegal Aliens" take low wage jobs, live dozens in a single residence
home, share expenses and send money to their home country There are no
jobs that Americans won't do for a decent wage.
3. Every person who illegally entered this nation left a home. They are
NOT homeless and they are NOT Americans. Some left jobs in their home
countries. They come to send money to their real home as evidenced by
the more than 20 billion dollars sent out of the country each year by
"Illegal Aliens". These "Illegal aliens" knowingly and willfully entered
this nation in violation of the law and therefore assumed the risk of
detection and deportation. Those who brought their alien children
assumed the responsibility and risk on behalf of their children.
4. "Illegal Aliens" are NOT critical to the economy. "Illegal Aliens"
constitute less than 5% of the workforce. However, they reduce wages and
benefits for lawful U.S. residents.
5. This is NOT an immigrant nation. There are 280 million native born
Americans. While it is true that this nation was settled and founded by
immigrants (Legal Immigrants), it is also true that there is not a
nation on this planet that was not settled by immigrants at one time or
6. The United States is welcoming to "Legal Immigrants. "Illegal Aliens"
are NOT immigrants by definition. The U.S. accepts more lawful
immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined.
7. There is no such thing as the "Hispanic Vote". Hispanics are white,
brown, black and every shade in between. Hispanics are Republicans,
Democrats, Anarchists, Communists, Marxists and Independents. The
so-called "Hispanic Vote" is a myth. Pandering to "Illegal Aliens" to
get the Hispanic Vote is a dead end.
8. Mexico is NOT a friend of the United States. Since 1848 Mexicans have
resented the United States.
a) During World War I Mexico allowed German Spies to operate freely in
Mexico to spy on the U.S.
b) During World War II Mexico allowed the Axis powers to spy on the U.S.
from Mexico.
c) During the Cold War Mexico allowed spies hostile to the U.S. to
operate freely.
d) The attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 was cheered and applauded all
across Mexico.
e) Today Mexican school children are taught that the U.S. stole
California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. If you don't believe it,
check out some Mexican textbooks written for their schoolchildren.
9. Although some "Illegal Aliens" enter this country for a better life,
there are 6 billion people on this planet. At least 1 billion of those
live on less than one dollar a day. If wanting a better life is a valid
excuse to break the law and sneak into America, then let's allow those
one billion to come to America and we'll turn the USA into a Third World
nation overnight. Besides, there are 280 million native born Americans
who want a better life. I'll bet Bill Gates and Donald Trump want a
better life. When will the USA lifeboat be full? Since when is wanting a
better life a good reason to trash another nation?
10. There is a labor shortage in this country: This is a lie. There are
hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American housewives, senior
citizens, students, unemployed and underemployed who would gladly take
jobs at a decent wage.
11. It is racist to want secure borders:
a) What is racist about wanting secure borders and a secure America?
b) What is racist about not wanting people to sneak into America and
steal benefits we have set aside for legal aliens, senior citizens,
children and other legal residents?
c) What is it about race that entitles people to violate our laws, steal
identities, and take the American Dream without paying the price? For
about four decades American politicians have refused to secure our
borders and look after the welfare of middle class Americans. These
politicians have been of both parties. A huge debt to American society
has resulted. This debt will be satisfied and the interest will be high.
There have already been riots in the streets by "Illegal Aliens" and
their supporters. There will be more. You, as a politician, have a
choice to offend the "Illegal Aliens" who have stolen into this country
and demanded the rights afforded to U.S. citizens or to offend those of
us who are stakeholders in this country. The interest will be steep
either way. There will be civil unrest. There will be a reckoning. Do
you have the courage to do what is right for America? Or, will you bow
to the wants and needs of those who don't even have the right to remain
here? There will be a reckoning. It will come in November of this year,
again in 2008 and yet again in 2010. We will not allow America to be
stolen by third world agitators and thieves. David J. Stoddard
U.S. Border Patrol (RET)
Hereford, Arizona


Mexican Standoff

I don't know how everybody else feels about it, but to me I think Hispanic people in this country, legally or illegally, made a huge public relations mistake with their recent demonstrations.

I don't blame anybody in the world for wanting to come to the United States of America, as it is a truly wonderful place. But when the first thing you do when you set foot on American soil is illegal it is flat out wrong and I don't care how many la-la land left heads come out of the woodwork and start trying to give me sensitivity lessons.

I don't need sensitivity lessons; in fact I don't have anything against Mexicans! I just have something against criminals and anybody who comes into this country illegally is a criminal and if you don't believe it try coming into America from another foreign country without a passport and see how far you get.

What disturbs me about the demonstrations is that its tantamount to saying, I am going to come into your country even if it means breaking your laws and there's nothing you can do about it.

Its an in-your-face action and speaking just for me, I don't like it one little bit; and if there were a half dozen pairs of gonads in Washington bigger than English peas it wouldn't be happening.

Where are you, you bunch of lily-livered, pantywaist, forked tongued, sorry excuses for defenders of The Constitution? Have you been drinking the water out of the Potomac again?

And even if you pass a bill on immigration it will probably be so pork laden and watered down that it wont mean anything anyway. Besides, what good is an other law going to do when you won't enforce the ones on the books now?

And what ever happened to the "polls" guys? I thought you folks were the quintessential finger wetters. Well, you sure ain't paying any attention to the polls this time because somewhere around eighty percent of Americans want something done about this mess, and mess it is, and getting bigger everyday.

This is no longer a problem; it is a dilemma and headed for being a tragedy. Do you honestly think that what happened in France with the Muslims can't happen here when the businesses who hire these people finally run out of jobs and a few million disillusioned Hispanics take to the streets?

If you, Mr. President, Congressmen, and Senators, knuckle under on this and refuse to do something meaningful, it means that you care nothing for the kind of country your children and grandchildren will inherit.

But I guess that doesn't matter as long as you get re-elected. Shame on you.

One of the big problems in America today is that if you have the nerve to say anything derogatory about any group of people (except Christians) you are going to be screamed at by the media and called a racist, a bigot and anything else they can think of to call you.

Well, I've been pounded by the media before and I'm still rockin' and rollin' and when it comes to speaking the truth, I fear not. And the truth is that the gutless, gonadless, milksop politicians are just about to sell out the United States of America because they don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the face of reality.

And the reality is that we would never allow any other group of people to have 12 million illegals in this country and turn around and say, Oh it's ok; ya'll can stay here if you'll just allow us to slap your wrist.

And I know that some of you who read this column are saying Well what's wrong with that?

Ill tell you what's wrong with it. These people could be from Mars as far as we know. We don't know who they are, where they are or what they're up to, and the way the Congress is going we're not going to.

Does this make sense? Labor force you say? We already subsidize corporate agriculture as it is; must we subsidize their labor as well?

If these people were from Haiti, would we be so fast to turn a blind eye to them, or if they were from Somalia or Afghanistan? I think not.

All the media shows us are pictures of hard working Hispanics who have crossed the border just to try to better their life. They don't show you pictures of the Feds rounding up members of MS 13, the violent gang who came across the same way the decent folks did. They don't tell you about the living conditions of the Mexican illegals some fat cat hired to pick his crop.

I want to make two predictions.
No. 1: This situation is going to grow and fester until it erupts in violence on our streets while the wimps in Washington drag their toes in the dirt and try to figure how many tons of political hay they can make to the acre.

No 2: Somebody is going to cross that border with some kind of weapon of mass destruction and set it off in a major American city after which there will be a backlash such as this country has never experienced, and the Capitol building in Washington will probably tilt as Congressmen and Senators rush to the other side of the issue.

I don't know about you but I would love to see just one major politician stand up and say, I don't care who I make mad and I don't care how many votes I lose, this is a desperate situation and Im going to lead the fight to get it straightened out.

I don't blame anybody for wanting to come to America, but if you don't respect our immigration laws, why would you respect any others?

And by the way, this is America and our flag has stars and stripes. Please get that other one out of my face.

Pray for our troops.

What do you think?

God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
April 10, 2006



 Below are links to petitions against illegal aliens. From Check us out. We have tons of links and information to stop these illegals from getting Amnesty / back door citizenship. Remember if these 15-20 Million get Amnesty / back door citizenship, they WILL for sure bring in 30-45 MILLION relatives and the US Government will bend over backwards to make exceptions for as many as possible to bring them in. The Dems want them for low IQ voters and the Repubs want the cheap labor. BOTH are at fault. Vote in November to KICK OUT ANYONE who supports ANY ANY ANY type of Amnesty that brings these illegals and their families into the USA.



 Secure Borders URLs
6590f1cea08cbd838825717200738864?OpenDocument <<<<<<<
'Saudi Electric Fencing Possible Along Border with Iraq'

'Illegal Invasion and the 17th Amendment'

'Birthright Sale'  by Thomas Sowell

'Illegal Amnesty, Guest Workers, Laws, and Politics'  by John Slagle

'Troops Reduce Illegal Border Crossings'

'45,000 Felons From Terror-Linked Nations Freed' by L. Frank and B. Hubburd

'Border Patrol Chase Yields $500K of Drugs'  by David Theibel

'Man Not Deported After 14 Arrests'  by Sheila Burke

'One Reporter's Opinion:Illegal Alien Sex Crimes'  by George Putnum

'Texas Game Wardens Doing Border Guard Work'

'Zero Tolerance Along Part of Southern Border' by Sylvia Morena

'Mexico Worries About its Southern Border'  by Ginger Thompson

'Big Cities Reluctant to target Illegals'  by Judy Keen

'Organ Pipe Rangers Confront Dangerous Reality of Illegal Immigration'  by Jennifer Talhelm

'House Hearings Threaten Senate Immigration Bill (Amnesty!!!)'
'Verification Program to Avoid Illegal Foreign Workers'--NumbersUSA
Rock throwing reported in Santa Ana
Bush's Spring Frolic In Cancun
Center for Immigration Studies
CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada
Send The Illegal Alien Protestors A Giant Message!
Local 2544
Tucson, Arizona
Mexicans Denounce Senate Border Plan
National Director of Minutemen Calls Southern Border "Warzone"
Leading the Charge Against Illegal Aliens
Petition to stop Illegal Immigration
Senate Immigration Bill Would Allow 100 Million New Legal Immigrants over the Next Twenty Years
This video is a sobering 14 minute presentation by Roy Beck of NumbersUSA on how immigration (legal and illegal) is destroying America for your children and grand children.
Americans feeling pinch of immigration generosity
The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
National Citizens Neighborhood Watch - Securing the American Border
Mexico limits non-natives in jobs, politics
U.S. Amnesties for
Illegal Aliens
California city votes on immigration issue
Study: 1 million sex crimes by illegals
Researcher estimates more than 100 offenders crossing border daily
Hispanics Carry Lopsided Share Of DWI Arrests
Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Report employer violations of immigration laws






Speak Your Piece

Another 9/11 Smoking Gun?
Reform is happening





Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, children!














DATE:               June 14, 15, and 16, 2007


WHO:               Mothers Against Illegal AliensLet Freedom Ring

THE MILLION MOTHER MARCH along with MARCH FOR AMERICA will be held in Washington D.C. June, 14, 15, and 16th.  


You are cordially invited:
The final steps are being put into place for the March For America this June.  Your aid and participation are appreciated to guarantee this will be a successful and productive event. 
Here is the lastest news on the March For America event.
Pre-March/Supportive Events - (Various Groups/Organizations/Individuals) (Supportive events or actions leading into or co-existing with March For America by various groups/organizations/individuals.)

Patriots Walking <>  - Follow PatriotWatchdog and others as they partake of a 2- month trek to our nations capital to kick off the March For America.
Million Mother March -
Step forth with Women and Mothers as they stand up to protect their & their childrens safety and rights.


Official Dates and Times:
Nation Capital (D.C.)  June 14,15, 16th, 2007 State Capitals:  June 16th, 2007 (See "State Coverage" for contact information and details about official State Organizers as well as events planned for the June 16th, 2007 in those participating States)

Washington DC & U.S. Events Calendar
(Additional information will be provided as we grow closer to the event date.) (Additional Speakers to be added as schedules are worked out.)

June 14th (D.C)- "Flag Day"  A Flag Day celebration with a focus towards the victims of Illegal Immigration is the focus this day. In their honor, F.I.R.E.
Coalition will be hosting "Operation Body Count" which includes the names of victims of pedophile illegal immigration being the main focus.  This is a solemn event and it is asked that everyone participating respect this fact.  It is requested that those present bring primarily American flags. In addition will be tribute to the Border Patrol agents who are America 's POW in this fight for our country. Also an remembrance and a moment of silence will be conducted to honor the fallen patriots who have died defending our country, its flag and Constitution. 

Event Times: 12pm - 4pm
Event Location: (To be announced)
Additional Information:
*             A tribute will be conducted to the Border Patrol agents (Ramos/Compean &
Hernandez) who are America 's POW in this fight for our country.
*             American Flags requested only on this day.
*             This is a solemn event and we ask those present to respect this element.

June 15th (D.C.)- "All American Day" Presentations and protest on topics which affect our Nation.  The focus on this day is to Protest the North American Union, the SPP and the TTC in addition to standing up for the Rights of the American Worker.  Speeches given will be to show the tie in of the NAU with Illegal Immigration. 

Event Times: 10am - 2pm
Event Location: (To be announced)
Speakers include:
*             Bill Still
*             Margaret Meade
*             Dan Sheehy
*             Katherine Albright
*             Virgil Goode
*             Special Guest Speakers.
Additional Information:

June 16th (U.S.A)- "Secure Borders March for America ".  Key speakers will lend their voices across our Nation to speak for the citizens of the United States of America . Americans in D.C. and in participating states will march in unison to their Capitals throughout our nation to present to our Government the foundation upon which this country was founded, "The U.S. Constitution" and the "Blood and sweat of the American Citizen", to remind our Government of where their loyalties should lie.

Nationwide Times:
*             East Coast        1pm - 6pm EST
*             Central           12pm - 5pm CST
*             Mountain        11am - 4pm MST
*             West Coast      10am - 3pm PST

D.C. Information:
Event Times: 1pm - 5pm
Event Location: (To be announced)
Speakers include: 
*             Chris Simcox - MCDC Founder
*             Rick Biesada - Chicago Minutemen
*             Don Goldwater - AZ Minutemen
*             Ruth Heindricks - MINNSIR
*             Helen Schnell - Private Citizen
*             Miguel Cruz - You Don't Speak For Me
*             Chelene Nightingale - Save Our State
*             Ted Hayes - Crispus Attack Brigade Civil Rights Leader
*             John Martin - Musician
*             Peter Gadiel - 911 Families For A Secure America
*             Michelle Dallacroce - Mothers Against Illegal Immigrants
*             Jason Mrochek - Fire Coalition
*             Jeff Lewis - Fire Coalition
*             Carl Two Feathers Whitaker - TN Politician
*             Scott Smith - Author, Lawyer
*             Special Guest Speakers
Additional Information: Focus is on stopping legal status of any kind or amnesty for illegal aliens.
Confirmed Groups/Organizations
9-11 Families for a Secured
<> America
<> Alamo Alliance
<> American Citizens First American Freedom Riders - <>
<> Arizona <> American Freedom Riders- SWFL. Brigade Anti-Illegal Immigration Events <>
<> Border Census <> C4ICE <> Chicago Minutemen <> Citizens Against Illegal Aliens <> Conservative Caucus <> Desert Invasion U.S.
<> F.I.R.E. Coalition <> FLIMEN <> Georgia Minutemen Golden Gate Minutemen <>
<> Granny Warriors <> Grassfire <> Grassroots of Yakima Valley Homemakers of America <>
<> Immigrationbuzz <> Iowa Minutemen Kentucky Minutemen Lonestar Minutemen Minutemen Midwest <> <> Minnesotans Seeking <> Immigration Reform <> Minnesota Minutemen Minnesota F.I.R.E. Coalition Minutemen Civic Defense Corp <> <> Mothers Against Illegal Aliens <> NACL <> NY ICE <> Official Proud American Citizens Pahrump Minutemen Patriot Watchdog Protect Our Borders <>
<> Riders Against Illegal Aliens <> <> Save Our State <> Stop SmartPort Tennessee Volunteer Minutemen & Women Texas Revolution Party The United Citizens of America <> <> USAForward Washingtonians for Immigration <> <> Reform (WFIR) <> You Don't Speak For Me <>
Confirmed Speakers
Kathryn Albrecht - (DC)
(Best-Selling Author of "Spychips")
Andy Anderson - (FL)
Rick Biesada - (DC)
(Chicago Minutemen Project Founder)
Miguel Cruz - (DC)
(You Don't Speak For Me)
Michelle Dallacroce- (DC)
(Mothers Against Illegal Aliens -
Russ Dove - (AZ)
(Editor, Truth in Action Web Site)
Diane Evertsen- (IL)
(Midwest Minutemen)
Evert Evertsen - (IL)
(Midwest Minutemen)
Peter Gadiel - (DC)
(9/11 Familes For A Secure America )
Don Goldwater- (DC)
Rep. Virgil Goode - (DC)
(Representative - Virginia)
Ted Hayes - (DC)
Ruthie Hendricks - (DC)
Debbie Heon - (DC)
Cindy Kolb
Russell Landry - (FL)
(Citizens Against Illegal Aliens)
Jeff Lewis - (DC)
(Operation Body Count)
Tom Maklin - (FL)
John Martin - (DC)
Ruthie Miller - (DC)
Jason Mrochek - (DC)
J.T. Ready - (DC)
Margaret Meade - (DC)
Dan Sheehy - (DC)
(Author "Fighting Immigration
Chris Simcox - (DC)
Helen. S. - (DC)
Scott Smith - (DC)
Bill Still - (DC)
Joyce Tarnow- (FL)
S.D. Wheeler - (TX)
Carl Twofeathers Whitaker- (DC)
Brent Zdun - (FL)
We Need You!
We need all Patriot Americans everyone to join their efforts in unison for one day and to stand up for their country. 

Spread the Word!
We are in need of your help to spread the word about this event nationwide to get more people signed up to participate in D.C., their States or from their homes. 
Please use the following link located at to promote the March For America.

LFRA is asking that people sign-up on their website to let them know how many people are expected to be coming.  If you wish to attend either the D.C. or any State events, we ask that you sign up in advance by using the following link...

If you are a leader of a group or organization and would like to offer your groups participation at the March For America event either in DC or in the various States, please use the following form to sign up your group/organization.

We request all group/organization leaders to please consider being available for interviews with the various media participating during June 14th-16th.  Please bring any materials you wish to have presented to the Media with you to the March For America event. If you would like to be interviewed to speak out for your group or organization on the days of the March For America event, please contact us at  so we can add you to the list for the Media sources.

LFRA does request that credit be given where credit is due.  As the March For America is possible only through a collaboration of many groups, organizations and individuals working together in unity, we must ask that no set group/organization or individual attempt to take all credit but rather make it known as a joint effort of many.

Media Personalities Desired.
If you happen to have your own media outlet, we are seeking your participation in the "Media March".  If there is any hope to get the word out to American's about what is happening to this country it is through you that this hope exists. As we seek to make this one of the largest Media covered events to date, and to bring together a great number of Media sources to speak out across America we need you to join the "Media March" in DC and across our country on June 14th-16th. 
Even if you are unable to attend at the National or State capitals during this time you can still aid in carrying the voices of the people across the air waves, internet and through various other media sources. 

LFRA will provide a portable tent in which all Media sources can set up their stations for convience during the March For America events.  The location of this media tent will be made known closer to the date of the event for security reasons.

If you do plan to attend in DC please bring any materials you wish to use to aid in advertising your media source to the general public.  If you so chose you may also provide for LFRA any links or materials you would like to see published on our website and in the March For America materials.

In addition please consider opening your airways and articles to allow for interviews with various organizations, groups and prominent individuals who have worked hard and taken the time to stand up and support our country. 

If you would be willing to aid in the Media March at any level, please contact us at with your intentions and support.

Bloggers Appreciated.
We would appreciate the participation of bloggers, website owners, and those with other internet sources willing to cover the March events in D.C. and the various States.  While location (outside) and situations do not allow for us to be able to offer a large scale blogger operation on location we believe with enough sources moving the information forward rapidly we can still accomplish the same results. 
What we need is:
*             Individuals with laptop computers run off batteries to record the events in
DC and the various States to post the starter posts on specific sites and to their personal contacts.
*             Individuals stationed from home to take the time to relay the starter
materials posted on various sites to other sites and contacts.
Homebound bloggers are welcome to participate by adding information to their own blogs, or through forwarding the blogs of others to their own personal contacts as well as across the web.

If you are able to provide your time, resources and abilities to this cause please contact us at

Lobbyists Welcome.
If you and your group/organization are interested in lobbying while you are in D.C. your home State(s), or from your desk chair in your home during the March for America your efforts would be welcome. The more citizens we have taking measure for America during this time the more likeliness we have we might be heard and supported.

If you are planning to physically attend the D.C. or State March events, please remember to contact your Congressional and/or Local Representatives prior to the event to inform their staff you wish to make an appointment during your stay. 

LFRA understands that you will be interested in speaking to the Media during your lobbying efforts.  We do request that everyone be sure to give credit where credit is due regarding the March For America event with any of your media or press correspondence.  As the March For America event is a collaboration of numerous groups, organizations and individuals who have united together to make this event possible we strongly state that no one individual, group or organization should attempt to claim full credit, but rather should make it clearly known that the March is a united effort of many.

From The Home Front.
For those supporting from the home front, do not allow your voices to be silenced.
Here are some suggestions of ways you can aid during the March For America events.
*             Contact Legislative offices at National and State levels through phone, fax
and e-mails to let them know your stance and to encourage them to come March along side American citizens in support of their country.
*             Display the American flag from your windows (house, apartment, car)
*             Write letters to editors to be published on the day of the March for America
*             Write snail-mail letters and send them out to arrive in your representative
offices during the time frame of the March.
*             If you live in a retirement community of communal structure
establishment, contact and get with other residents to hold your own protests within the community.  Remember to contact the media to get publicity for it, it can't hurt to try...
*             Wear red/white/blue if you go out in public.
*             Contact others in the same situation as you in your community and ask
them to participate as well.
*             Be creative, just do something.
Rally & Exterior Events Rules

LFRA Rules
* Play nice with others! Regardless of race, religion or region of our Nation. View those who fight this battle with you as brothers/sisters in this battle to Secure our Nation back for the American Citizens.

* Understand that this is a United Effort . This means that people from all groups and organizations fighting the same cause or sister causes are free to use this site, resources and activities including setting up activities of their own. If you have a personal hangup with how one or another group or it's members operate, that is your personal hangup and does not belong here. This is not the time for separation but unification.

* Stick to the causes. While your group might have numerous causes they are working for. LFRA at present is about Illegal Aliens, La Reconquista/Aztlan, Outsourcing, and Corrupt Politics. This does not say your other causes are not just as important, but at present time these are our primary causes we will be focusing on and our countries biggest threats.

* Right to bear arms/not bear arms.  This is a topic which LFRA will say this much on and no more on the subject. Everyone has a right to protect themselves, but at the March For America event these items must not be present on your person.
This includes Tasers.

* The only acceptable flags that shall be flown are United States honoring flags.

* No Drugs/No drinking during March Event hours.

* No Harrassment/Taunting designed to invoke negative action or response from the opposition. In same light do not respond to any taunts designed to lure you out from opposition.

* Obey the Laws - Enough said.

National Park Service Rules
The following Rules are established by the National Park Service and are expected to be followed by all participants during the March For America event.

Simplified Version:
* Nothing except shoes may be allowed to touch the ground with single exception of a sign that is no more then three feet from your person.
* Nothing should be placed in boxes, neither shall empty boxes be permitted.
* No Tripods, no boxes, no chairs, no balloons permitted.
* No blocking of sidewalks, walkways, or roadways permitted.
* No amplification devises or blow horns.
* Sign messages must conform to stated agenda/purpose for the March Event.  If there is any doubt to the purpose it is best to just bring an American flag.
* Parking must be in designated, public parking places only.
* No items may be attached to any tree, plant or structure.
* No camping or camping equipment is allowed.

Long Version:
Please see details at <>  under "March for America ".

Odds and Ends

Media Tent
A media tent will be erected in a centralized location to host all Media sources.
Information, articles and schedules will be made available as well as participating group and organizations materials for convenience. 

Port-A-Potties will be made available during the duration of the March.  Please consider making a donation to aid in offsetting the cost of rental.

Food & Drink
Food and drink vendors are not permitted.  Please plan your meals accordingly and bring a source of liquid with you to avoid dehydration.  (We are searching for a source to provide bottled water but have not been able to obtain one at this


Contact Information

If you have any questions or are in need of help or information, please contact us.





Event & Media Relations Director
Melissa Gardner
Director email:
Director Phone: 916-339-3167 (PST)



Suzanne Wise
Director email:
Operations Phone: 281-354-4346 (CST)

Thank you for your participation at whatever level you are able in the March For America.  We look forward to marching beside you nationwide as we move to protect and secure our country.



Morgan Forte

Media Coordinator






Contact information:
Media Coordinator - Morgan Forte

P.O. Box 15133
Phoenix, AZ  85060


Homeland Security official admitted to LYING about jailed border agents.

Blocker buster story- bigger than Watergate: practically ignored by media. NOW ask them WHY! [better, ASK BUSH WHY!]

Department of Homeland Security official admitted to LYING about jailed border agents. Congressman calls for resignation.

Inspector confronted on Capitol Hill, says promised 'proof' does not exist.
Ask of every MEDIA:

Border Patrol Agents Sent to Prison on Trumped-up Charges and Phony

Rep. John Culbertson today called for Department of Homeland Security
Inspector General Richard L. Skinner, as well as the DHS Assistant
and Deputy Inspectors General, to resign for having willfully and
repeatedly lied to Congress in the case of Border Patrol Agents
Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.


Congressman Culbertson demands resignations of top officials who lied about and railroaded Border Patrol Agents.
by William F. Jasper
February 7, 2007

"You Lied To Me and You Lied To All Of Us."
Congress furious over Administration lies. Today Rep. John Culbertson (R-Texas) called for the resignation of top Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials who had lied previously to Members of Congress about Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.
The two agents are now in prison on trumped-up charges and fabricated "evidence." The matter of official deception came to a head yesterday during a hearing of the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, when DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner admitted that his office had deceived Congress when it said it had evidence proving that Agents Ramos and Compean were guilty of serious felonious acts and that both agents had admitted to knowingly shooting an unarmed suspect. During a briefing on the Ramos/Compean case for Rep. Culbertson and three other Congressmen on September 28, 2006, the DHS Deputy Inspector General and Assistant Inspector General had claimed that they had documentary evidence, including admissions from the two agents, showing that the agents had engaged in serious felonious activity.
As reported by Sam Antonio in the current cover story for The New American (" Punished For Doing Their Job"), the DHS officials claimed that Ramos and Compean admitted that they had knowingly shot an unarmed suspect. However, both agents say they never admitted to any such thing. They both insist that the suspect (veteran drug smuggler Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila), who resisted arrest and scuffled with Compean, turned several times as he ran toward the Mexican border and aimed at them with what appeared to be a gun. The DHS officials also told the Congressmen that the two agents had made statements on the day of the attempted arrest of Aldrete-Davila that they "wanted to shoot a Mexican" — which would be evidence of conspiracy.
Additionally, the DHS officials claimed that Ramos and Compean:

* Stated at the time of their interrogation that they did NOT believe the suspect was a threat to them at the time of the shooting.
* Were belligerent to investigators.
* Destroyed evidence and lied to investigators.

The DHS officials promised that they would deliver evidence to the Congressmen backing up these charges. They never did, despite repeated requests from the Congressmen over the past four months. When DHS Inspector General Richard Skinner was finally brought before the subcommittee on February 6 and put under oath, he confessed that DHS had no such evidence. However, he tried to characterize the deception, lies, fabrication, and stonewalling as a "mistake."
An angry Rep. Culbertson was not buying that. "You lied to me and you lied to all of us," he charged. Below is Rep. Culbertson's February 7 statement calling for the resignation of Mr. Skinner and his subordinates who lied to Congress:

Richard Skinner admitted yesterday under oath that his top deputies gave Members of Congress false information painting Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean as rogue cops who were not in fear for their lives and who were 'out to shoot Mexicans'.
In my opinion, this false information was given to Members of Congress to throw us off the scent and cover-up what appears to be an unjust criminal prosecution of two U.S. law enforcement officers whose job was protecting our country's borders from criminals and terrorists.
Today I am calling for the resignation of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security and the investigators who lied to us.
So far it looks to me like Agents Ramos and Compean may not have followed proper procedure following the shooting, which at most should have resulted in their suspension from the force, but not criminal prosecution.
At a time when Homeland Security has left our borders largely undefended and deployed national guardsman whose 'standard operating procedure' is 'to retreat' when confronted with armed criminals, the unjust prosecution of Agents Ramos and Compean weakens border security by discouraging all U.S. law enforcement officers from drawing their weapons in self-defense or in the defense of our nation.
Our highest priority in the War on Terror is to secure our borders. These two agents need to be pardoned and we need to reassure our brave Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers that we support them and want them to feel free to use their best judgment and whatever force they think is necessary to protect America.

Not only should these DHS officials resign (or be fired), they should also be prosecuted for lying to Congress, and for falsely prosecuting Ramos and Compean with fabricated evidence. Then the same searchlight should be turned on the Department of Justice, especially on U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton and federal prosecutor Debra Kanof, who knowingly used false evidence to railroad the two agents into prison.
A pardon for Agents Ramos and Compean is all the more urgent now, after the assault upon Agent Ramos in prison on February 3 by illegal alien inmates. Ramos was severely beaten and kicked by a gang of inmates who cursed and insulted him in Spanish. Ramos and his family, understandably, fear for his life. Congressmen and congressional staff contacted on February 7 told The New American that pressure is building — from the public and from Congress — for a pardon. According to these sources on the Hill, the Bush White House, which has previously shown little interest in pardoning the two agents, is now being forced by public opinion and rebellion within Republican ranks to give serious consideration to the matter.


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2007 WorldNetDaily. com

Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas

A Department of Homeland Security official admitted today the agency misled Congress when it contended it possessed investigative reports proving Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean confessed guilt and declared they "wanted to shoot some Mexicans" prior to the incident that led to their imprisonment.

The admission came during the testimony of DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner before the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, according to Michael Green, press secretary for Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas.

Culberson was questioning Skinner about a meeting DHS officials had Sept. 26 with him and three other Republican congressman from Texas, Reps. Ted Poe, Michael McCaul and Kenny Marchant.

WND previously reported that at that meeting the DHS Inspector General's office asserted it had documentary evidence Ramos and Compean:

1. confessed to knowingly shooting at an unarmed suspect;
2. stated during the interrogation they did not believe the suspect
was a threat to them at the time of the shooting;
3. stated that day they "wanted to shoot a Mexican";
4. were belligerent to investigators;
5. destroyed evidence and lied to investigators.

Under questioning by Culberson, Skinner admitted DHS did not in fact have investigative reports to back up the claims: "The person who told you that misinformed you," Skinner reportedly replied.

This prompted a startled and angry response from the congressman.
"You lied to me and you lied to all of us," Culberson charged.
"Your office tried to paint a picture of Ramos and Compean as dirty cops, and now you come before this committee and tell us you never had the information to back up those claims."

Ramos and Compean began prison sentences last month after their actions in the shooting of a drug smuggler who was granted immunity to testify against them.

Responding to Skinner's testimony yesterday, Poe said it "explains why DHS has been stonewalling Congress

"DHS didn't turn over the reports to us to back up their September 26 accusations for one simple reason - the reports never existed," the Texas congressman said.

"Why did it take DHS four months to admit their error?" he asked. "I wonder how much more has DHS told the public and Congress about Ramos and Compean that simply isn't true?"

Poe said he's determined to get to the bottom of DHS's claim.

"I expect this new revelation will lead to a lot more questions before we're done," he said.

Andy Ramirez, who has been involved with the case as chairman of Friends of the Border Patrol, told WND the DHS's actions "represent obstruction of justice, and they should be held in contempt of Congress, and, if possible, prosecuted to the full extent of the law."

This is a federal crime
Those responsible for this should to be fired and criminally charged.
Then our patrol agents should be released immediately.
We must not forget that
as soon as the innocent border agents are pardoned,
there will be two addtional beds available in those prisons.
You can do the math.

Border Patrol agent beaten up in prison focus/f-news/ 1779879/posts %5ehttp:/ news/article. asp?ARTICLE_ I
February 5, 2007 - Jerome R. Corsi
Ramos' family confirms: 'They kicked me in the head, they kicked me all over
the body'
Imprisoned Border Patrol agent Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos was severely beaten in
prison, Ramos' father-in-law Joe Loya confirmed to WND. Monica Ramos
embraces her husband, former U.S. Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos, two
days before he was sentenced to 11 years in prison (Courtesy El Paso Times)
In a phone call from prison, Ramos told his wife earlier today that he was
assaulted in prison on Saturday night by a group of five Spanish inmates who
Ramos took to be illegal immigrants. While beating Ramos, the assailants
allegedly threatened him in Spanish, taunting him with, "**** la migra,"
insulting him - "migra" roughly translating as "immigration, " slang for
Border Patrol agent.
The assault occurred at Yazoo City Federal Correctional Complex, a medium
facility federal prison in southern Mississippi, where Ramos had been moved
about 10 days ago.
Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean began prison sentences last month, of 11 and
12 years respectively, for their actions in the shooting and wounding of a
Mexican drug smuggler who was granted full immunity to testify against them.
The case has caused national outrage, and dozens of congressmen are publicly
insisting President Bush grant an immediate pardon of the two law
enforcement officers.
Ramos's family feels that the decision to place him in a medium security
prison violates a promise from federal authorities Ramos would be kept in
isolation at a minimal security prison.
At Yazoo, Ramos was housed with the general prison population. A medium
security prison such as Yazoo would be expected to house illegal immigrants,
including those incarcerated on drug offenses.
The prison attack came immediately after the airing Saturday night of a
segment on Ramos and Compean by the "America's Most Wanted" television show. View the video here:

Patti Compean, wife of imprisoned agent Jose Compean, told WND her husband
was in a different prison, still in solitary confinement.
Today is Ramos' birthday. According to Loya, Ramos's three sons, aged 7, 9
and 13, woke up crying, not wanting to go to school. The children wanted to
buy a cake and wait for their father to call so they could sing "Happy
Birthday" to him on the phone and blow out the candles.
Early this morning, Loya began working with the office of U.S. Rep. Dana
Rohrabacher, R.-Calif., to see if the warden would give Ramos special
permission to call home on his birthday, after his children got home from
Monica Ramos received the phone call from her husband in the afternoon, at
2:00 p.m. Mountain time in El Paso, while she was at work. She wondered why
he was calling so early, not in the evening when the children would be home
from school, Loya told WND.
"They are letting me call right now," Ramos explained, according to his
father-in-law. "I've been in isolation for two days now, ever since the
attack, and they told me that I had to call right now. I got beat up real
bad on Saturday night and I'm in real bad shape. They kicked me in the head,
they kicked me all over the body. I'm all bruised and very sore."
During the phone call, Ramos told his wife he hadn't received any medical
care in the 48 hours since the attack, Loya said.
Ramos told his wife he was able to identify only one of the five assailants:
"They all cursed me in Spanish," he said, according to Loya. "As they were
beating me up and kicking me, they kept calling me 'migra,' 'migra.' I'm
pretty sure they were all illegal immigrants."
Ramos told his wife that he was badly bruised and bleeding from the ears. He
said that immediately after the attack, he was placed back into solitary
confinement, where he has been for the last two days.
This e-mail goes out to all of you with deep anger!!! IGNACIO "Nacho" RAMOS just got off the phone with Monica, "Nacho" was assaulted Saturday night around
2200 by about five illegal immigrants. He has multiple and severe
injuries. They put him in Isolation for now, he has not been allowed
to see a doctor since Saturday. They were yelling at him in Spanish,
Maten a la migra. which means kill the Border Patrol Agent. If he
recovers from this, they will put him back in general population.
This is what the Justice Department wants, including George Bush and
Johnny Sutton. They figure if these two Agents are killed, then they
don't have to worry about all of us any longer. We must rally together
now more then ever to put pressure on our government to release these to
agents NOW!!!! In the mean while we must DEMAND that they be protected
and treated with respect. Please Forward this to as many people as you



Isn't that what the whole immigration issue is about?



Business doesn't want to pay a decent wage



Consumers don't want expensive produce



Government will tell you Americans don't want the jobs



But the bottom line is cheap labor.



The phrase "cheap labor" is a myth, a farce, a oxymoron.  There is no
such thing as "cheap labor." Take, for example, an illegal alien with a
wife and five children.



He takes a job for $5.00 or $6.00/hour.



At that wage, with six dependents, he pays no income tax, yet
at the end of the year, if he files an Income Tax Return, he gets an
"earned income credit" of up to $3,200 free.



He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent



He qualifies for food stamps



He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care



His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school



He requires bilingual teachers and books



 He qualifies for relief from high energy bills



If they are or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for



Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare



All of this is at the taxpayer's expense.



He doesn't worry about car insurance, life insurance, or
homeowners insurance.



Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed



He and his family receive the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00/hour
in benefits.



 Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after
paying their bills and his.



The American taxpayer's also pay for increased crime, graffiti and trash
clean up.



Cheap labor?






Wake up USA!